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MOUNTAIN BIN: Perfect for families with small kids or 2-3 veggie-loving adults. If you are away or do not want your bin that week it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to let us know before Wednesday.


Produce & meat bins are PICK-UP ONLY, sorry we do not ship or deliver.  Produce bin pick up is on Wednesday noon-6pm or Thursday 10-5pm at Eat Pure Mountain Market. 


SKU: 0004
Price Options
Memberships are 100% optional but come with great benefits
C$50.00every week until canceled
  • Sample Bin:

    1 lb BC Italian Plums

    4 BC Ambrosia Apples

    2 1/2 lbs Fair Trade Bananas

    1 Head Local Romaine

    1 lb BC Broccoli

    1 Bunch BC Carrots

    1 lb Green Beans

    1 Field Cucumber

    3 lb Alberta Potatoes

    1 lb BC Mushrooms

    2 Yellow Onions

    2 Fair Trade Red Peppers

    1 BC Acorn Squash

  • *There is $10 deposit charged in-store on all bins which is refunded upon bin return. You are welcome to transfer your veggies into your own bags or a box.

    Please return your bin each week in a clean/dry state so we can keep things rolling efficiently!

    If you've signed up for weekly bins and are going to be out of town, no problem, please let us know by emailing us at in advance.

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